Data protection

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company. For Michael Weinig AG and the entire Weinig Group (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Weinig Group”), data protection is not only a legal requirement, but an expression of honest and fair conduct towards employees and business partners. It is therefore a declared corporate objective to protect the personal rights of both employees and all business partners. To this end, the WEINIG Group is creating an appropriate level of data protection worldwide in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (EU GDPR). We would therefore like to inform you in the following how we process your personal data.

Personal data (sometimes also called personally identifiable information) is information that basically make it possible to identify a person. It does not matter whether the identification can be obtained from a single piece of information; this will rarely be the case. However, the more information and data can be merged, the more precisely the person can be identified. Personal data includes in particular a person’s name, address, age, e-mail address and telephone number, but also an IP address.

This website is offered by the Weinig Group.

1       Controllers

The controllers responsible for this website are Michael Weinig AG, Weinigstraße 2/4, 97941 Tauberbischofsheim, Germany.

2       Your rights

Of course, you retain control over all personal data that you make available to us directly or indirectly when you visit the website and use our services. According to current law, we are obliged to inform you about these rights. The use and implementation of these rights is free of charge for you (you may incur costs for communicating with us, e.g. postage for letters). To assert your rights, please contact the persons named in section 8.

2.1       Right of information

You have the right to receive information about your personal data stored by us at any time.

2.2       Right of revocation

You have the right to revoke your consent to the collection of data at any time. This right applies with effect for the future; the data collected up to the legal force of the revocation remain unaffected by this.

2.3       Right of data transferability

You have the right to receive your data in a common, machine-readable format and/or to request a transfer of your data from us to another controller or another person responsible.

2.4      Right of rectification, deletion or restriction of processing

You have the right to have your data corrected, deleted or to restrict processing of your data.

2.5       Right of appeal

You have the right to complain to a supervisory authority or a competent body if you have a reason for complaint. To exercise this right and the aforementioned, please contact the persons listed at the end of this data privacy statement.

3  Collection, processing and storage of personal data by the Weinig Group

The Weinig Group only collects, processes and stores your personal data if this is permitted by law or if you have given your consent.

We obtain this data in two ways: Either you have provided us with the data or we collect it when you use our services. 

3.1       Data that you provide to us:

You can generally use our website without actively providing us with personal information. For some services, such as our contact forms, we will request personal information such as your name, e-mail address and company address in order to process the relevant service in an efficient and user-friendly manner or in order to be able to offer the service at all (we require contact details from the inquirer, for example, to process technician requests or an e-mail address to send press releases).

Detailed information regarding all services offered on this website can be found in section 3.7 in this data privacy statement.

3.2       Data we obtain via your use of our services:

Some personal data is obtained automatically and, for technical reasons, once you visit our website. This data is stored temporarily in a so-called log file. The following information is recorded without your intervention and stored until it is automatically deleted:

  • The IP address of the computer making the request
  • The date and time of the request
  • The name and URL of the requested file
  • The data volume transmitted and the access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.)
  • The website from which access is initiated (referrer URL)
  • The browser used, browser settings and, if necessary, your computer's operating system
  • as well as the name of your access provider

The above data will be processed by us for the following purposes:

  • To ensure smooth connectivity of the website
  • To ensure comfortable use of our website
  • To evaluate system safety and stability
  • Further administrative purposes

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the purposes listed above for data collection. Under no circumstances do we use the data collected in this way for the purpose of drawing conclusions about your person.

In addition, we use cookies and analysis services when you visit our website. You will find more detailed explanations in sections 3.6 and  3.7 of this data privacy statement.

3.3       Disclosure of data within the group of companies

In order to process your request, the necessary data may be passed on to companies within the Weinig Group.

If you give your consent within the scope of your inquiry, the data will also be passed on to companies within the Weinig Group (e.g. to sales partners) for further support within the legal framework.

Contracts are in place with all Weinig Group companies to ensure an adequate level of data protection.

3.4        Disclosure of data outside the group of companies

Your data may be transferred to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this data on our behalf.

In principle, we will not pass on your data to other third parties if the above-mentioned conditions do not apply. We also take appropriate measures and carry out regular checks to ensure that the data we collect cannot be viewed or accessed by third parties from outside.

3.5       Transfer of data to a third country or an international organization

Data may be transferred to recipients in countries outside the European Union (so-called third countries) using appropriate safeguards to ensure an adequate level of data protection.

3.6       Cookies

We use cookies on our web pages. These are small files that your browser automatically creates and that are stored on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our site. Cookies do not cause any damage to your end device and cannot contain viruses, Trojans or other malware according to the current state of knowledge.

Information that results in each case in connection with the specifically used end user’s device is stored in the cookie. However, this does not mean that we immediately become aware of your identity.

One of the reasons why we use cookies is to make the use of our offer more pleasant for you. For example, we use so-called session cookies to recognize that you have already visited individual pages of our website. These are automatically deleted after you leave our site.

In addition, in order to optimize user-friendliness, we also use temporary cookies that are stored on your end device for a defined period of time. If you visit our site again to use our services, the system will automatically recognize that you have already visited us and what entries and settings you have made so that you do not have to enter them again.

We also use cookies to statistically record the use of our website and to evaluate it for you for the purpose of optimizing our offer (see section 3.7). These cookies enable us to automatically recognize when you return to our site that you have already visited us. These cookies are automatically deleted after a defined period of time.

The data processed by cookies is required for the above-mentioned purposes in order to protect our legitimate interests and the interests of third parties pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically by default. However, you can configure your browser so that no cookies or only certain cookies are stored on your computer. However, the complete deactivation of cookies may mean that you may not be able to use all functions of our website.

The Weinig Group uses the following cookies of its own on the websites:

Name: cua
Content: true, if you agree to the use of cookies
Validity / duration of storage: 999 days

3.7       Services and functions on the web pages

An appropriate level of data protection has been agreed with the (partly internal) data recipients described below, or they process the data on behalf of the Weinig Group.

3.7.1      Web shop and customer account at

The controller Michael Weinig AG runs a web shop at We only collect personal data if you provide it voluntarily during the order process or when opening a customer account in the web shop. We use the collected data exclusively for the processing of the contract. After complete contract processing your data will be blocked and deleted after expiry of the tax and commercial law regulations, unless you have expressly agreed to further use of the data.

Your data may be passed on to service providers supporting us (mail order companies and payment service providers, see also 3.7.3) for the above-mentioned purpose, which we have of course carefully selected. Otherwise, your data will only be passed on to other third parties if we are legally obliged to do so. It is guaranteed that all data-receiving bodies comply with the requirements of data protection and data security.

You can create a user account for the web shop free of charge. For this purpose, we collect your name and e-mail address as well as a password for your user account. This allows you to store different delivery and billing addresses, speed up the payment process for your next purchase, keep track of all current orders, view the history of past orders, manage your customer account settings and change your password.

You can also log into our shop at any time to check the status of your order or place further orders without having to register again.

If you order goods, we additionally collect the delivery and billing addresses as well as a telephone number for queries during the ordering process. This data will be stored in your user account for future orders.

You can request the deletion of your user account at any time on the basis of your rights described in section 3.7.15.

Additional cookies are created in the web shop (see section 3.6), which are technically necessary for the provision of the shop system. These cookies save your login and the shopping cart during the shopping process.

3.7.2      Prize draws

Occasionally, the Weinig Group runs a prize draw on these websites. The Weinig Group collects personal data of the participant in order to conduct a prize draw. These details are the form of address, the full name and address, the e-mail address and in individual cases the telephone number, if a short-term contact is required. This data will first be used to notify the winners by e-mail, post and/or telephone. The address data is also used for sending the prize. In some cases, the participating cooperation partner who provides the prizes is responsible for shipping. In this case, the address data is transmitted to the respective cooperation partner for a specific purpose. The data is collected exclusively by the Weinig Group. The data will not be transmitted to other external companies.

The data will not be used for advertising purposes. They will be deleted no later than three months after the end and completion of the respective prize draw, provided that you have not explicitly agreed to any further use.

For statistical purposes, we evaluate anonymously how many participants took part in the respective prize draw. This evaluation does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual participants.

3.7.3      Contact forms

We offer you comprehensive personal support. If you contact us via a contact form, we usually collect at least your title, your last name and your e-mail address from you in order to be able to answer your enquiry quickly and individually. If you would like us to contact you by telephone, please let us know your telephone number. Depending on the reason for the inquiry (e.g. request of a service technician), further data may also be collected and stored as a mandatory field. Depending on the reason of your inquiry or the data provided (e.g. about a specific machine), we may pass on your data to other Weinig Group companies.

The data will only be used to answer or process your inquiry. The data will not be used for sales talks or other advertising purposes unless you have explicitly agreed to such use.

3.7.4      Newsletter

If you register for our newsletter, we use the data required for this or separately communicated by you in order to regularly send you our e-mail newsletter in accordance with your consent. Registration is performed via a secure and established double opt-in procedure. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time either by sending a message to the contact option described below or via a link provided for this purpose in the newsletter.

The newsletter is managed and sent via the systems of a carefully selected service provider committed to data protection.

3.7.5      Product information based on products purchased

If we receive your e-mail address in connection with the sale of a product or service and you have not objected to this, we reserve the right to send you offers and information in connection with the products or services already purchased by e-mail at irregular intervals or as required. By doing so we aim to ensure or optimize the performance and durability of the purchased product or service in the long term.

You can object to such use of your e-mail address at any time by sending a message to the contact option described below or via a link provided for this purpose in the advertising mail, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates.

3.7.6      Google Analytics

For the purpose of demand-oriented design and continuous optimization of our pages, we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereinafter referred to as “Google”). In this context, pseudonymized user profiles are created and cookies (see 3.6) are used. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (for example:

  • browser type/version,
  • operating system,
  • referrer URL (the page last visited),
  • host name of the accessing computer and IP address,
  • time of the server inquiry,

is transferred to a Google server in the USA and may be stored there. The information is used to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide further services associated with the use of the website and the Internet for the purposes of market research and demand-oriented design of the said Internet pages. This information may also be transferred to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of the company. Under no circumstances will your IP address be combined with other data from Google. The IP addresses are anonymized to make correlation impossible (IP masking, “anonymizeIP”).

You can prevent the installation of cookies via your browser software settings. We would, however, point out that if you do this, you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent.

You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing a browser add-on (

As an alternative to the browser add-on, especially for browsers on mobile devices, you can also prevent Google Analytics from collecting data by clicking on this link.

Deactivate Google Analytics

An opt-out cookie is stored that prevents future collection of your data when visiting this website. The opt-out cookie is only valid in this browser and only for our website and is stored on your device. If you delete the cookies in this browser, you must set the opt-out cookie again.

For more information about privacy in connection with Google Analytics, please visit the Google Analytics Help Center (

3.7.7      Google Tag Manager

The Google Tag Manager does not evaluate any data and does not collect any personal data. This is a supplement to Google Analytics (see section 3.7.8), which can pass on information on user interactions to Google Analytics and at the same time reduces the administrative maintenance effort on the web pages.

3.7.8  Google Dynamic Remarketing

This website uses the Remarketing function of Google Inc. (“Google”). This function is used to present interest-based ads to visitors to the site as part of the Google advertising network. The visitor’s browser stores so-called cookies on your computer, which make it possible to recognize the visitor when he or she visits websites that belong to Google’s advertising network. These pages may then present advertisements to the visitor relating to content previously accessed by the visitor on websites that use Google’s Remarketing function. According to its own statements, Google does not collect any personal data in this process. However, if you do not wish to use Google's remarketing function, you can always deactivate it by making the appropriate settings at Alternatively, you can disable the use of cookies for interest-based advertising through the Advertising Network Initiative by following the instructions at

Further information on Google Remarketing and Google’s data privacy statement can be found at

3.7.9  Google AdWords UserList

With Google AdWords UserList, remarketing via Google (see section 3.7.9) is targeted at individual target groups, e.g. visitors who have created a user account or visited specific product groups. No personal data will be processed that goes beyond the data for remarketing.

3.7.10  DoubleClick Ad Exchange-Buyer

If DoubleClick Ad Exchange, a web ad service of Google Inc, USA (“Google”), places advertisements (text ads, banners etc.) on this website, your browser may store a

cookie sent by Google or third parties. The information stored in the cookie can be recorded, collected and evaluated by Google or third parties.

In addition, DoubleClick Ad Exchange also uses “web beacons” (small invisible graphics) to collect information, which can be used to

record, collect and evaluate simple actions such as visitor traffic on the website. The information generated by the cookie and/or web beacon about your use of this website is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google uses the information obtained in this way to evaluate your usage behavior with regard to DoubleClick Ad Exchange ads. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google.

If IP addresses are transmitted and stored in this context, this only happens to combat and filter spam/fraud (ad impression spam and click spam). This data is strictly accessible only to the anti-abuse teams. Google will not associate the IP address with other data stored by Google.

You can prevent cookies from being stored on your hard drive and web beacons from being displayed. To do this, you must select the option “Do not accept cookies” (or a similarly labeled option) in your browser settings (e.g. in Internet Explorer under “Tools / Internet Options / Privacy / Advanced”, in Firefox under “Menu button / Settings / Privacy & Security / Cookies and website data”).

For more information please see

3.7.11  Vimeo

We have integrated components from Vimeo on these web pages. Vimeo is an Internet video portal that allows video publishers to post video clips and other users to view, rate and comment on them free of charge.

Vimeo is operated by Vimeo, Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.

Each time one of the individual pages of this website is accessed, which is operated by the controller and on which a Vimeo component (Vimeo video) has been integrated, the Internet browser on the person’s device is automatically prompted by the respective Vimeo component to download a representation of the corresponding Vimeo component from Vimeo. This includes transferring the IP address to servers in the USA. By interacting with the Vimeo plug-ins (e.g. clicking the Start button), this information is also transmitted to Vimeo and stored there. For more information on Vimeo please see As part of this technical process, Vimeo is informed of which specific subpage of our website is visited by the person concerned.

If the person concerned is logged in to Vimeo at the same time, Vimeo recognizes which specific subpage of our website the person is visiting by calling a subpage containing a Vimeo video. This information may be collected by Vimeo and assigned to the person’s Vimeo account.

Through the Vimeo component, Vimeo will always be informed that the person concerned has visited our website if this person is logged in to Vimeo at the same time as accessing our website, regardless of whether or not the person clicks on a Vimeo video. If the person concerned does not want such information to be transmitted to Vimeo, they can prevent the transmission by logging out of their Vimeo account before visiting our website.

Vimeo may also use tracking software, such as Google Analytics, to track your activities with Vimeo. We have no influence on this and we cannot access the process. However, you can disable activity tracking through an additional plug-in or opt-out cookie, similar to what is described in this data privacy statement.

The data protection regulations published by Vimeo, which can be accessed at, provide details on the collection, processing and use of personal data by Vimeo.

Through the use of Vimeo as a streaming platform and the chat tool function contained therein, further personal data is collected and processed by Vimeo when interacting via the chat tool function. For this purpose, a registration procedure is necessary in order to communicate with the organisers of the stream. This collected data can also be analysed by Vimeo in order to provide the hosts with statistics on participation in the stream. The data protection provisions published by Vimeo can be viewed at Here, Vimeo undertakes to comply with point 14.2 of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

3.7.12  Social Media

We offer you extensive support in the social media (Facebook, YouTube, Google Plus, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIN, Vimeo) on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR and, if necessary, the possibility to remain in personal contact with us. These social media services collect personal data themselves, e.g. via your profile created there or via so-called social plug-ins that are implemented on third-party websites.

Our Facebook fan page is subject to additional terms and conditions as described in 3.7.15.

You can access these social media profiles mainly via separate links in the footer area of our websites, in individual cases via embedded Vimeo videos on individual subpages of our offer. By clicking on such a link you will leave the Weinig Group website and be redirected to the respective provider. It is possible that this provider learns via a referrer URL that you have reached this provider from our website or that you have visited our website.

If you are logged in to one of the companies mentioned above, they can correlate the visit to your account there. If you do not have an account with one of the above companies, they may still know and store your IP address and/or identify you using cookies.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that every visitor to our website is recorded by the company listed above on the basis of his IP address and the URL called up, even if he/she is not registered and/or logged in with a user account with the company.

The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by these companies, as well as your relevant rights and setting options for the protection of your privacy can be found in the respective data protection information of:

3.7.13  Facebook fan page

Our Facebook fan page at is provided by Facebook and is edited by the above-mentioned controller (owner of the fan page, hereinafter “we”). 
Those entities jointly responsible for the operation of our Facebook fan page in the sense of Article 26 GDPR and other data protection provisions are:

Facebook Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2
(hereinafter “Facebook”)


Michael Weinig AG
Weinigstraße 2/4
97941 Tauberbischofsheim

Facebook’s privacy policy can be found at
Facebook processes personal information about you when you visit our fan page. You can find out which personal data is processed by Facebook and which data protection rights you have vis-à-vis Facebook under the Facebook data protection policy linked above. As the owner of the fan page, we have no influence on the data processing performed by Facebook.
Facebook gives the owner of the fan page the following setting options or grants access to the following data:

For our fan page or for individual contributions published on the fan page, we can set on Facebook which target group is to be reached. The setting is made on the basis of general parameters (e.g. age group, language, region, interests), through which our content can be directed to specific groups. We are not able to address or identify individuals using the settings provided by Facebook.

Facebook provides us with access to statistical analysis about the use of our fan page. The analyses visible to us do not allow us to specifically analyze the usage behavior of individuals. We can only view aggregated data (including the number of hits, likes, followers, region of origin, age group, gender, etc.) that provides information about our audience and the use of our fan page.

You can find more information about the statistics provided by Facebook at Furthermore, the owner of the fan page cannot influence the data processing performed by Facebook. We process this data to safeguard our legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR in order to better understand and optimize the use of our fan page.
If you send us messages via Facebook, we will receive the following data from Facebook:

  • Message entered
  • Name
  • Profile image
  • Attachments
  • Voice messages

This personal data is used to process your request.
If you contact the owner of the page via email or other Facebook features (such as comments), the information you provide, as well as your user name and other information about your Facebook usage patterns, will be stored. For information about data processing by Facebook, please refer to the Facebook privacy policy linked above. We process your personal data to handle your inquiry within the group of companies. A transfer to third parties does not take place unless your request requires this. In case of doubt we will explicitly point this out to you.

3.7.14  HERE

Our website uses an API to access the WeGo map service of HERE Global B.V. and companies affiliated with HERE Global B.V., including sub-contractors (HERE Global B.V., Kennedyplein 222-226, 5611 ZT Eindhoven, The Netherlands – hereinafter “HERE”). If you access parts of these web pages that use this service to display maps or calculate travel routes, your IP address and, if applicable, other data from your browser will be submitted to HERE. HERE states that further data will only be transmitted to such third parties or service providers who offer at least an equivalent level of data protection as HERE itself or who must receive the data due to legal obligations. We have no influence on this data transmission. Due to our justified interest in an appealing presentation of our online offers and in easy findability of the places indicated by us on the website, the legal basis results from art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. For an optional route calculation you will be redirected to the HERE pages. Your address is entered directly at HERE, and the Weinig Group does not have access to this data.

Further information can be found in HERE’s data privacy statement ( HERE has appointed a data protection officer you can approach if you have any questions about this service. This person’s contact details can be found in their privacy policy as well.

3.7.15  Google Optimize (Google, Inc.)

Google Optimize is a Google testing tool that can be used on to optimize pages and improve user experience. Google Optimize allows you to generate different versions of a page at the same time. By doing this we can evaluate which variant best meets the wishes and expectations of our users.

Personal data collected: cookie and usage data
Processing location: USA
Data privacy statement:
Opt-out / disable tracking: via Google Analytics Opt-Out (3.7.8)

4 Duration of storage

As a matter of principle, personal data is deleted as soon as the purpose of its collection has been fulfilled or a statutory period has expired. If, for example, you have requested information material, we will delete your personal data after the information material has been sent. According to current legal requirements, invoices must be kept for ten years, even if personal data (e.g. contact person, consignee, etc.) is provided.

The data will be deleted at the latest at the beginning of the fiscal year following the expiry of the planned storage period.

5 Automated decision-making

Automated decision-making based on the personal data collected does not take place.

6  Information security

We use the common SSL (Secure Socket Layer) method in connection with the highest level of encryption supported by your browser. Whether a single page of our website is transmitted in encrypted form can be seen from the open/closed status of the key or lock symbol that appears in the status bar of your browser.

We also use suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction or unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.

7 Currency and amendment of this data privacy statement

This data privacy statement is currently valid and has last been updated in Oktober 2021.

Due to the further development of our website and offers related to it or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may become necessary to change this data privacy statement. You can access and print out the current data privacy statement at any time on the website at

8 Contacts for data privacy

For questions, requests for information, applications, complaints or criticism regarding our data protection, please contact the following address. If you have any concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, you can also contact the Weinig Group Data Protection Team directly.

Data Protection Team
Michael Weinig AG
Weinigstraße 2/4
97941 Tauberbischofsheim


Please note that we may contact you by other means to validate your inquiry and process your personal data for this purpose. In this way we try to ensure that no information is passed on to unauthorized third parties.

9  Competent supervisory authority

In the event of complaints, you can also contact the responsible supervisory authority at any time:

State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Postfach 10 29 32
70025 Stuttgart
Phone.: 0711/615541-0
Fax: 0711/615541-15


10  Facebook Pixel

Our website uses the visitor action pixel of Facebook, Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”) to measure conversion.

This allows us to track the behavior of page visitors after they have been redirected to the vendor’s website by clicking on a Facebook ad. This makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes and to optimize future advertising measures.

The collected data is anonymous for us as the operator of this website – we cannot draw any conclusions about the identity of the users. However, the data is stored and processed by Facebook where it can be linked to the respective user profile and used by Facebook for its own advertising purposes, in accordance with the Facebook Data Usage Policy. This allows Facebook to place advertisements on Facebook pages and outside Facebook. This use of the data cannot be influenced by us as a site operator.

The use of Facebook pixels is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. of the GDPR. The website operator has a justified interest in effective advertising measures, including social media.

In accordance with Art. 21 para. 2 of the GDPR, you may deactivate the use of the pixel by means of an opt-out procedure. When you visit our website, a banner will be displayed on the landing page where you can refuse your permission to use the pixel. The pixel will then be deactivated for your visits.

See Facebook’s Data Privacy Notice for more information about protecting your privacy

You can also deactivate the re-marketing function “Custom Audiences” in the section Advertisement Settings at To do this you must be logged in to Facebook.

If you do not have a Facebook account, you can disable Facebook’s usage-based advertising on the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance website at


11  LinkedIn Insight Tag 

Our site uses the so-called Insight Tag of the social network LinkedIn. It is provided by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“LinkedIn”). The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a small piece of JavaScript code that we have added to our website. 

The LinkedIn Insight Tag enables us to collect information about visits to our Web site, including the URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser properties, time stamps, and page views. This data is encrypted, anonymized within seven days and the anonymized data is deleted within 90 days. LinkedIn does not share any personally identifiable information with us, but only provides aggregated reports about the website’s target audience and viewing performance. LinkedIn also provides re-targeting for website visitors so that we can use this information to display targeted advertising outside of our website without identifying the member. LinkedIn members may control the use of their personal data for advertising purposes in their account settings.

a) Purpose of data processing 

We use the LinkedIn Insight Tag for the purpose of providing detailed campaign reports and information about the visitors to our website and thus about our advertising and marketing interests. As a customer of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, we use the LinkedIn Insight Tag to track conversions, re-target our website visitors, and gather additional information about LinkedIn members who view our advertisements. 

Details on data collection (purpose, scope, further processing, use) as well as on your rights and settings can be found in LinkedIn’s data privacy policy. LinkedIn provides this information at 

b) Legal basis of the data processing 

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) of the GDPR, i.e. a legitimate interest on our part. Our legitimate interest lies in the above-mentioned purposes. 

c) Duration of storage 

The data is encrypted, anonymized within seven days and the anonymized data is deleted within 90 days. 

As a user, you can also decide at any time whether to execute the JavaScript code required for the tool via your browser settings. By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can deactivate or restrict the execution of JavaScript and thus also prevent its storage. Note: If JavaScript execution is deactivated, it may no longer be possible to use all the functions of the website to their full extent. 

d) Possibility of refusal and removal / opt-out 

If you are a LinkedIn member and do not want LinkedIn to collect information about you through our website and link it to your LinkedIn membership information, you must log out of LinkedIn before visiting our website. 

You can prevent the execution of the JavaScript code required for the tool by setting your browser software accordingly. 

To prevent the execution of JavaScript code entirely, you can also install a JavaScript blocker, such as the browser plug-in NoScript (e.g. at or 

You can deactivate the LinkedIn Insight Tag Conversion Tool as well as interest-based advertising by opting out under the following link: